
Microcontroller Case

It's so cute.

The Microcontroller case is the base part when building microcontrollers in the assembler. Microcontrollers are very primitive computers. They may only contain a very limited number of components, and are intended to be used in very specific use-cases, such as transforming or reacting to redstone signals, or processing network messages.

They do not have an actual file system. All programming must be done using the EEPROM chip built into them. This chip can be swapped for another one by crafting a microcontrollers with the chip to insert. The old EEPROM will be returned to your inventory.

While they also require power to run, they consume very little energy.

The tier 1 microcontroller case can accept the following components: - 1x tier 1 CPU - 1x tier 1 RAM - 1x EEPROM - 2x Expansion cards (tier 1) - 1x Upgrade (tier 2)

The tier 2 microcontroller case can accept the following components: - 1x tier 1 CPU - 2x tier 1 RAM - 1x EEPROM - 1x Expansion card (tier 2) - 1x Expansion card (tier 1) - 1x Upgrade (tier 3)

The tier 1 microcontroller case can accept the following components: - 1x tier 3 CPU - 2x tier 3 RAM - 1x EEPROM - 3x Expansion cards (tier 3)

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