
Remote Terminal

Remote access.

The remote terminal can be used to remotely control computers via terminal servers. To use it, activate a terminal server that is installed in a rack (click on the rack block in the world, targeting the terminal server to bind the terminal to).

A terminal server provides a virtual screen and keyboard which can be controlled via the terminal. This can lead to unexpected behavior if another real screen and/or keyboard is connected to the same subnetwork as the terminal server, so this should usually be avoided. When using the terminal in hand after binding it, a GUI will open in the same manner as a keyboard attached to a screen.

Multiple terminals can be bound to one terminal server, but they will all display the same information, as they will share the virtual screen and keyboard. The number of terminals that can be bound to a terminal server is limited. When the number of bound terminals is at the limit, binding another one will unbind the first bound one.

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